
Boracay, A Destination For Beach Lovers

In Features on March 19, 2011 at 1:33 am

Boracay is a famous Philippines travel destination best known for its long stretches of white, sandy beach. It is located in Panay Island and boasts of different accommodation types for every budget. Cheap and decent resorts as well as five star luxury hotels can be found in the island. Boracay has attracted tourists around the world because it has all the elements of a tropical island paradise. Aside from its fine, white sand, it also has clear blue sparkling waters and a very diverse marine life.

While on this Philippines travel destination, you can enjoy all sorts of things you can do under the sun. Some of the activities you can indulge in are boating, jet skiing, sailboating, wind surfing, kayaking, swimming, beach volleyball, and of course, diving. Although tourists flock to the island to frolic in the sand, not everyone is aware that Boracay is surrounded by excellent dive spots. If you are up for the adventure, you can just ask a dive shop to arrange a dive for you.

Aside from the things you can do at the beach, you can also enjoy nature tripping in this Philippines travel destination. Boracay offers you a chance to go trekking, biking, hiking, mountain climbing, and horseback riding. And since it is already largely developed, you can find yourself enjoying some tee time at several golf courses in the area. Sports lovers can go bowling or play tennis in the many recreational spots in the island. For those who are on a gastronomic adventure, Boracay will be a delight to visit. Excellent local and international cuisines are available to satisfy your palate.

This island paradise is accessible by air and by sea. Direct flights from Manila and other major cities to Caticlan are available. Chartering your own plane is also another alternative. Likewise, there are boat trips that depart from the Manila North Harbor to Panay.

If you are interested in visiting Boracay, it is best to book early. The island is such a hit with local and foreign tourists that it can be hard to find accommodations during the high months of November to May.

For more information about Boracay, including accommodations, tours, activities and loads of insider tips, contact your local connection: Helen and the Go Discover team at


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